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7 Best Vietnamese Beef Recipes

7 Best Vietnamese Beef Recipes – Vietnamese cuisine combines Chinese and French influences. 

You can find this type of food in many Asian countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. 

However, the recipes for Vietnamese cooking tend to be different.

The recipes are spicy and flavorful, making them perfect for people who like spicy food.

These beef recipes are easy to make and will give you an abundance of flavors you won’t resist. 

So if you’re looking for something new and tasty, these recipes will be perfect!

Easy Step-by-Step Instructions

When cooking with meat, you need to follow a few rules for the meat not to dry out during cooking or overcooking. 

If you’re new to cooking, you should follow these instructions precisely so your dish turns out perfectly every time! 

Here are some delicious recipes showing how to cook Vietnamese beef recipes. Once you have tried these Vietnamese beef recipes, you will be hooked. 

Table of Contents

A bowl of Vietnamese beef soup with chopsticks on the side
Your New Foods leaf logo

7 Best Vietnamese
Beef Recipes

Leaf Right - Your New Foods Logo casserole dishes
Instant Pot Beef Pho

7. Best Instant Pot Beef Pho Recipe

This Instant Pot Beef Pho is a quick and easy copycat of the classic Vietnamese beef soup recipes! Instead of spending all day simmering on the stove, this rich and flavorful broth is ready in about an hour!

Delicious Traditional Vietnamese Hue Beef Noodle Soup Recipe

6. Best Delicious Traditional Vietnamese Hue Beef Noodle Soup Recipe

Among numerous delicious dishes of Hue cuisine, people cannot forget the rich but still elegant flavor of the vermicelli, like Hue people themselves. For thousands of generations in Vietnam, Hue style beef noodle soup is their typical breakfast.

5. Vietnamese Butter Beef Recipe

This Vietnamese beef meal looks like a lot of work. But after you get everything washed and chopped, It’s so easy to cook and well worth it.

Vietnamese Beef Salad

4. Vietnamese Beef Salad Recipe

This Vietnamese Beef Salad recipe is quick and easy to make in just 15 minutes. Its got all the fresh and vibrant flavor you’d expect from a healthy Vietnamese salad like coriander, mint, lime, and that perfect balance of sweet and sour.

3. Pho Recipe (How to Make Vietnamese Noodle Soup)

This unbelievably delicious Vietnamese Pho Recipe is made with a nourishing beef broth infused with fragrant spices, chewy noodles, and tender slices of meat. Filled with the same delicious and authentic flavors as your favorite pho restaurant, learn how to make this Vietnamese Noodle Soup from scratch and serve topped with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Bun Bo Hue Recipe (Spicy Beef Noodle Soup)

2. Bun Bo Hue Recipe (Spicy Beef Noodle Soup)

Bun Bo Hue is a Vietnamese beef noodle soup that has a deep, rich broth made of beef and spices, served with slices of beef and pork along with some fresh herbs. It’s the ultimate in soul comforting soups!

Bo Luc Lac (Vietnamese Shaking Beef)

1. Bo Luc Lac (Vietnamese Shaking Beef)

Marinated in the most delicious umami flavors of soy sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce, and of course a touch of coconut sugar for sweetness, this wok-seared Vietnamese Shaking Beef recipe (Bo Luc Lac) is served with the most amazing marinated onions and Vietnamese dipping sauce (nuoc cham).


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