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Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe: Nutty & Tender Delight

Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe: Nutty & Tender Delight


Discover the ultimate comfort food with our Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe. 

This simple yet flavorful dish combines the richness of roasted cabbage with a hint of steam to preserve its tenderness, offering a unique twist to your meal repertoire. 

Ideal for health enthusiasts and flavor chasers alike, this recipe promises to elevate your dining experience with its simplicity and depth of flavor.

Key Takeaways

Preparation Time10 minutes
Cooking Time45 minutes
Total Time55 minutes
Servings4 servings
Difficulty LevelEasy
Main IngredientsCabbage, Olive Oil, Butter
Flavor ProfileNutty, Tender, with an optional hint of Caraway
Dietary InfoVegetarian, Gluten-Free, can be adapted for Keto
a beautifully presented dish of steam-roasted cabbage ready to serve, with the cabbage cut into 8 perfect wedges

What is Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe?

It’s a simple, yet delectable way to enjoy cabbage, transformed through roasting with a steam element to maintain its moisture, resulting in a nutty, tender, and flavorful dish.

Why is Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe?

This dish has gained popularity for its ease of preparation, health benefits, and ability to pair well with various main courses, making it a versatile addition to any meal.

What are the benefits of making Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe at home?

Creating this dish at home allows you to enjoy a wholesome, nutrient-rich side that complements many diets, including vegetarian, gluten-free, and healthy eating plans.

A close-up image of a beautifully caramelized steam-roasted cabbage, highlighting the crispy, golden edges

Ingredients for Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

Green cabbage1 medium head
Olive oil2 tablespoons
Unsalted butter, melted2 tablespoons
Salt1 teaspoon
Black pepper1/2 teaspoon
Garlic cloves, minced2
Caraway seeds (optional)1 teaspoon
Fresh herbs for garnishAs needed
a fresh, whole cabbage on a rustic wooden table. The cabbage boasts vibrant green leaves with some of the outer leaves slightly loose, adding to the natural and organic look of the vegetable

Preparation Time and Servings per Recipe

  • Preparation Time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking Time: 45 minutes
  • Total Time: 55 minutes
  • Servings: 4
an elegant bottle of olive oil, placed on a rustic wooden table. The bottle is crafted from dark green glass, showcasing its premium quality, with a label that hints at its artisanal origin

What Each Ingredient Adds to the Recipe

  • Cabbage: Forms the base, offering a canvas for flavors and nutrients.
  • Olive Oil & Butter: Introduces fat for flavor and aids in roasting.
  • Salt & Pepper: Basic seasonings to enhance taste.
  • Garlic: Adds a punch of flavor.
  • Caraway Seeds: Introduces an optional unique flavor twist.
  • Fresh Herbs: Provide a fresh, aromatic garnish.
a block of butter, resting on a small, rustic wooden board. The butter has a deep yellow color, indicative of high quality and a rich flavor profile

Hints and Tips for Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

  • Ensure the core keeps each wedge intact to prevent the leaves from separating.
  • Add water carefully to avoid making the dish soggy.
  • Flipping the wedges ensures even caramelization for that perfect nutty edge.
an elegant set of salt and pepper shakers on a rustic wooden table

Variations of Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

Experiment with spices like paprika or cumin for a different flavor profile. For a keto-friendly version, focus on high-fat, low-carb ingredients.

Serving Suggestions

Pair with a protein of choice or integrate into a sheet pan meal for a fuss-free dinner option.

a bunch of fresh garlic bulbs on a rustic wooden table.

Nutrition Values

It is rich in vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants, making it a healthy choice.

Difficulty Level of Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

Easy: This recipe is perfect for beginners, requiring basic cooking skills and minimal ingredients.

a small, rustic bowl filled with caraway seeds on a wooden table


Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently to preserve texture.

History of the Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

Originating from European culinary traditions, this method of preparing cabbage maximizes flavor while preserving the vegetable’s nutritional value, evolving into a beloved dish worldwide.

a vibrant assortment of fresh herbs spread out on a rustic wooden table


This Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe, Nutty & Tender Delight, is a testament to the beauty of simplicity in cooking. Offering a blend of nuttiness, tenderness, and a hint of sweetness, it’s a versatile dish that promises to be a staple in your culinary repertoire.

FAQs for Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe

  1. Can I make this recipe vegan?
    Yes, simply substitute the butter with more olive oil or a vegan butter alternative.

  2. Is this recipe keto-friendly?
    Without the optional caraway seeds, it fits well within a keto diet; just be mindful of your overall carb intake.

  3. Can I add other vegetables to this dish?
    Absolutely! Root vegetables like carrots or parsnips make great additions.

  4. How can I ensure my cabbage is perfectly caramelized?
    Keep an eye on the oven during the final roasting phase and flip the wedges as needed for even browning.

  5. What if I don’t have caraway seeds?
    While they add a unique flavor, the recipe will still be delicious without them.

  6. Can I prepare this dish ahead of time?
    Yes, you can pre-roast and then reheat before serving, though fresh is best for texture.

  7. Is this dish suitable for a gluten-free diet?
    Yes, it is naturally gluten-free, making it an excellent option for those on a gluten-free diet.

  8. What are the best herbs for garnishing?
    Parsley, thyme, or dill complement the cabbage’s flavors beautifully.

  9. Can I use red cabbage instead of green?
    Yes, red cabbage works well but may have a slightly different cooking time and flavor profile.

  10. How do I store leftovers?
    In an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat gently to maintain the best texture and flavor.

Enjoy crafting this delightful Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe, a dish that’s as nutritious as it is delicious. Whether you’re seeking a comforting side or a versatile main, this recipe is sure to impress.

Steam-Roasted Cabbage Recipe: Nutty & Tender Delight

Recipe by Chris Cooper
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Course: SidesDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Indulge in the simple elegance of our Steam-Roasted Cabbage, a dish that transforms the humble cabbage into a culinary masterpiece. Each wedge emerges from the oven with a caramelized, nutty exterior and a perfectly tender heart, thanks to the innovative steam-roasting method. Seasoned with a blend of garlic, herbs, and a touch of olive oil and butter, this recipe elevates the natural sweetness and texture of cabbage. Ideal as a nutritious side or a standalone vegetarian delight, it's a testament to the beauty of simplicity in cooking.


  • 1 medium 1 medium head of green cabbage

  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 tsp 1 salt, or to taste

  • 1/2 tsp 1/2 black pepper, or to taste

  • 2 cloves 2 cloves garlic minced

  • 1 tsp 1 tsp caraway seeds (optional for a unique flavor)

  • Fresh herbs (such as parsley or thyme) for garnish


  • Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  • Prepare Cabbage: Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage. Cut the cabbage into 8 equal wedges, ensuring the core keeps each wedge intact.
  • Season: In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, melted butter, salt, pepper, minced garlic, and caraway seeds (if using). Brush this mixture generously over all sides of the cabbage wedges.
  • Steam-Roast:
    Arrange the cabbage wedges in a single layer on a baking sheet. Add a small amount of water to the sheet (about 1/4 cup), which will help steam the cabbage as it roasts.
  • Cover tightly with aluminum foil and roast in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.

  • Uncover and Caramelize: After 20 minutes, remove the foil and continue roasting for another 20-25 minutes, or until the edges of the cabbage are golden brown and caramelized. Flip the wedges halfway through the cooking time to ensure even caramelization.
  • Garnish and Serve: Transfer the roasted cabbage wedges to a serving platter. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve immediately.

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